Integration on the website
To display the vrdoro-visualiser on your own homepage, you will receive a code snippet. You (or your website service provider) copy this to your website.
Please include the snippet exactly as it is given to you. It opens the configurator fully on clickplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigClick
Depending on the device, clicking refers to the user action for selecting an element. For devices with a mouse, this means pointing to the element followed by pressing the left mouse button. On devices with touch displays, this refers to tapping or tapping and holding (iOS: long touch).. It is not recommended to open the configurator on a smaller display, especially on smartphones.
Due to the legal requirements for data protection in the EU, please add the following section to your cookie consent and privacy policy:
When using the online configurator on our websites, data is transmitted to neomatt GmbH ( Cookies are set for the use of the service. These are used exclusively for the provision of the service.
Alternatively, a corresponding formulation can be added. This is only a suggestion. Please have the wording legally checked in the context of your website.